Sunday, October 15, 2006

sunday catblogging

Maleficent sleeping on

Winter must be near. The annual claiming of the laps has begun in the Oubliette. Since the lap to cat ratio is 1 to 2, I can only hope that the bloodshed is minimal.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

the oubliette turns two

As of yesterday, The Oubliette has been up and running with semi-regular postings for the past two years. 657 posts over the past 2 years. Not too bad, considering the recent dry spell in posting.

*raises cup of Dr. Pepper* Here's to another 2 years. Cheers!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

carnival of the cats #133

Yes, I'm a little late with this, but the this week's edition of The Carnival of the Cats. Check out what all the other felines of the blogosphere have been up to.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

rules for eep

Eep watching the bubbles in the water dish

I do not have fingers and the water dish is not a finger-bowl. I don't need to dip my paws in it.

Staring at the water will not make it burble more.

I will not throw up in the water dish, even though I have seen Mommy throw up in the big water dish. She never drinks out of it and I have to drink out of mine.

That scratching post never did anything to me. It does not deserve its fate.

No matter how hard I try, I can't bury the other cats' wet food.
- Nor can I bury anything else on the floor.

I am not The Destroyer of Worlds, therefore I should stop attacking the other cats.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

carnival of the cats #132

Wow, it's been a long time since I typed something like this:

This week's edition of the Carnival of the Cats is up over at Pet's Garden. Go forth and look at all the kitties.

i win!

The Sunday morning Fluffy Cat Trifecta.

Mac poses for a quick photo
Win: Mac

Eep on the stairs
Place: Eep

Callie on a nightstand
Show: Callie

All three fluffy cats of the Oubliette, taken in one morning. Eep and Mac followed me around everywhere, but I did finally manage to track Callie, snap a photo, and not wake my husband in the process.

Yay me!

it must be the end of the world

I had a catblogging post AND I submitted it almost 10 hours before the deadline. The world is about to end. Or something. Go forth and purchase food in cans and water in bottles.

Me. Catblogging. Meeting a deadline. Can't be good. At all. And I'm abusing sentence fragments. Horribly. Right now.
