Thursday, November 30, 2006

thursday catblogging

On a different note, Maleficent napping on the couch.

Maleficent napping on the couch

not dead yet

So, on Halloween I came down with a really bad GI infection. I'm finally on the mend. Yes, unfortunately, you read that right; it's taken nearly a month to start getting better. So, after 1 trip to ER Lite, 2 trips to my GI, 1 abdominal X-ray, 1 CT scan, a dozen or so vials of blood drawn, a fever up to 103 F, a round of prednisone, 2 different antibiotics, heavy-duty pain meds, and a lot of naps, I'm finally on the rebound. On the up side, I've managed to do a lot of quality TV watching, and Maleficent is my new best friend and nap buddy.

In other news, I turned 30 earlier this month. And that sums up my month. Oh yeah, non-stop fun here.
