Sunday, October 16, 2005

in memoriam

In Memoriam – George

As a tiny kitten you were found
Lying abandoned upon the hard ground
Your brother your only companion
Until by chance you found a champion

Saved from death by an approaching car
In my sister’s shirt, she carried you far
A caring home awaited both of you
Time passed, we watched as you grew

Though you never bore kits of your own
You were mother to any younger born
Mother and friend you were to them
Buddies until death made you lonely again

George, my beauty, who I fed with a bottle
When you followed me in a kitten toddle
An elegant lady you grew into
And stole the hearts of all who saw you

In your elder years another companion you found
Laps suitable for my lady’s naps began to abound
And though the years slowly passed by
You remained kittenish, feeling spry

On one afternoon you heard the call of Bastet
And you went outside, your fate you met
Looking into to the setting sun
The Goddess called you, you did not run

To the Summerlands you went, ushered upon the wind
Reunited with your adopted daughters and your long missed twin
All those who passed before were there waiting to greet
A reunion for you, while we miss you and weep

We miss you, knowing all will be united once more
Parting is not forever, ever since the days of yore
Meeting and passing in a cycle since time began
Sadly we part and merrily we meet again

July 1, 1993 - October 12, 2005


Rahel Jaskow said...

And may there be skritches for you any time you want them.

Anonymous said...

And belly rubs and warm laps and saucers of milk

Anonymous said...

Not to mention wooly blankets and large comfy chairs....


Purrs and hugs....

Mira said...

Sunbeams to bask in, and your companions who passed before you to snuggle with.

Thank you, everyone, for your support.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about George... May she rest in peace. -FireGem
