Note: I try to keep this blog in the PG to PG-13 range, but the following post is rated R for language. You were warned.
Now a lot of this won't be new for any of you who have been paying attention to my medical health over the past 8 months or so, but I feel the need tonight to have a nice good rant and get some things off my chest. I have some sort of fucking neuropathy (which simply means "nerve disease") that is causing vertigo, loss of coordination, memory problems, and even amost seizure like episodes of severe vertigo that include tinnutis and visual disturbances. So, this all started one afternoon in April when I was at work, I became so dizzy that I could barely walk to my car when I snuck out early. Now, my job title was Emergency Response Team Coordinator, and I am a fucking EMT, I've sent people to the hospital for less than what I was experiencing. Yes, it was a case of do what I say, not what I do.
I've been to several different doctors and had all sorts of fucking tests run, it's not an inner ear problem, an eye problem, MS, or Lupus. The most likely culprit is a vitamin B-12 deficenicy that was at it's peak about 2-3 years ago. A severe deficenicy can cause demylenation of the nerves, a degredation of the protective sheath around the nerves, causing all sorts of nervous system problems, depending on where the damage is. In my case, it's central nervous system, meaning whatever the hell is wrong with me affects my brain.
Yes, I have fallen a few times, and seriously injured myself twice, both my left arm. Ya know what? I haven't broken a goddamn thing, all soft tissue injuries which with time, narcotic painkillers, and one round of physical therapy, I healed. My shoulder is nearly to the point where I can't tell I nearly had to have surgery on my left rotator cuff.
And even better, I seem to be adjusting to the nerous system problems, or else finally accepting them. Whichever, I haven't had a fall since October, and I'm just getting used to not being able to remember shit in the short term. Things could always be worse, right, I mean I could be a vegetable, right?
Update 1/7/06 - I've had 2 MRIs, a lumbar puncture (spinal tap), tests on my ears to rule out inner ear proplems, and bloodwork. Only the bloodwork showed anything interesting, everything else was normal, and the bloodwork only showed that I have an autoimmune disease. Big shock there, I have 2 of them actually - Crohn's Disease and Ankylosing Spondylitis. I would have been truly shocked if that particular test had also been negative.