Sunday, September 25, 2005

i think i need to change my underwear now

This is not a drill. I have in the past posted images of state-wide tornado drills, which were eerily similar, but this is not a joke. We're getting rain bands from Tropical Depresson Rita, and every little cell has spun up a radar-indicated or spotter sighted tornado. Hell, I even saw the wall cloud of one cell as it passed by the house, and possibly even a funnel cloud forming. I couldn't tell since it went behind some trees before I could be sure.

The rain bands responsible for this afternoon's weather.


Omnibabe said...

You're in my prayers, Sweetie! Stay safe... and dry.

Mira said...

Omnibus Driver - Thanks for the prayers. Everyone was safe, I just got soaked while storm spotting. I had the local news station on for over 3 hours while this mess moved through.

talldave - Thanks for the luck. It's called a Cat-It fountain. The water is stored in the dome, which bubbles as the dome empties into the fountain. I purchased mine at a small, local pet store, but larger chains should carry it also.
