Kimberly from Number 2 Pencil kicks off the Carnival with Alice sunning herself
Larry from BlameBush! presents (ahem) a tail of Cat Hunting in Wisconsin
Elisson at Blog d'Elisson shows us Hakuna and Matata, Guardians of the Staircase and a RFOAC
Barry at enrevanche presents Mr. Gato in kitty heaven
bothenook at a geezer's corner brings us installment 2: cat blog friday. Definitely must be nice to be able to sleep anywhere
Continuing the napping kitty theme, Chuq Yang at 7610 presents After Midnight (technically Friday) Cat Blogging Shh...sleepy kitty
Russ at Boxing Alcibiades presents Rudy, friend to plush animals who is a faithful steed to Entbunny
the Robot Vegetable at Middle-Fork presents Sabaki and the Mystery Guest
Kimberly at Music and Cats shares a beautiful shot of Lyra and Sahsa and meditates upon posing cats, or, more accurately, the inability to do so
Nuthatch at Bootstrap Analysis has Earth Day cat blogging with some information on keeping cats indoors
Barry at enrevanche decides that Anybody who loves cats is probably an okay guy
At Striving for Average Tommy attempts to train a cat
Susan at pages turned provides her favorite excerpts from Jubilate Agno with her catblogging
Matt at The Tattered Coat continues the admiration of a particular excerpt from Jubilate Agno with cat-poetry blogging
As an interlude, I now present my tribute to Christopher Smart's excerpt from Jubilate Agno
Jubilate Feles
For I will consider my cat Noah
For he is the servant of none but himself
For at the first glance of the Glory of the Sun in the East, he goes back to sleep
For he is not a morning cat
For when he finally awakes he begins his day
For Firstly he stretches the last of sleep away
For Secondly he goes in quest for food
For Thirdly he seeks drink
For Fourthly he cleans himself
For Fifthly he rubs to claim what is his
For Sixthly he sharpens his claws upon the post
For Seventhly he pauses to listen to the noises of the house
For Eightly he scratches
For Ninethly he perches upon the couch surveying his domain
For Tenthly he considers what he shall do that day
For having compleated his ritual, he seeks mischief
For he seeks McCullough to taunt her and chase her around the house
For then he must run blindly for no apparent reason
For having taunted his sister and run through the house, he seeks a spot for a nap
For while he can be taught things, he refuses to perform upon command
For he has taught me many a thing
For he is the most elegant in his movements of any creature
For this is not true when he falls off the window sill
For his eyes are of pure gold
For his fur is the color of the deepest night
For his kisses are the sweetest of any cat
For he is a faithful companion
For he stays by my side in illness to provide what comfort he can
For he plays with me when I am well
For he likes to travel to visit family
For if he meets another cat, he will approach warily
For while enjoys his friends, he defends against his foe
For there is nothing more amusing than when he fluffs to defend his territory
For he is the killer of paper-balls
For he can run like the wind
For he can creep
And now, back to the Carnival.
Storyteller at Scribblings celebrates the return of the sun with Feline Friday: Purr in the sunshine
Michael at Curiouser and Curiouser presents a very relaxed Tinker reclining on her favorite chair
Josh at Josh's Weblog gives us a fuzzy kitty who found a fuzzy unicorn
Lab Kat catches Pica with a suspiciously innocent look
SB at Watermark gives us in addition to photos of Boo and Spike, cat translated into English a very handy resource indeed
In a Carnival of the Recipes crossover, Ogre at Ogre's Politics and Views submits a most unusual confection
Darcey at Dust My Broom has one pissed off cat
NYC Babylon for a day turns her blog over to MJ Cat, who is in love
Brian at Musings from Brian J. Noggle contemplates why he can't get any work done
Lauren at feministe decides that The Family That Studies Together Annoys Each Other
Laurence at This Blog is Full of Crap, and founder of the Carnival, uses discreet surveillance techniques to catch the commission of Grand Theft Nardo
frightwig at Sundappled Wood has happy news that Isabella is feeling Much Better
Zed Pobre at Resonant Information is a newcomer to catblogging Late Friday Cat Blogging. As he will learn, catblogging is not limited to Friday.
maggie katzen at maggies meanderings blah blah blah.... catches a farm kitty napping
srp at Melange has a computer-savvy kitty
Ellen at AMCGLTD.COM presents a cat and his maniacal laugh
Shelly Brisbin at Shelly's Podcasts has something a little different, The Friday Podcat
John at Living With Bengals has a warning for trespassers and risks life and limb to skritch a tummy
Moses at Yowling from the Fencepost relates the tale of Saturday Cat Blogging: Crouching blogger, hidden mertcat edition.
Mog of Mind of Mog spends Saturday cleaning with no help from the cats, catches a kitty by surprise, enjoys some peace and quiet, and Psycho Cat finds someplace else to terrorize
Tinker at The Secret Life of Shoes shows off a gorgeous variety of Disney Hats
Martin at EGO presents Dinner Time!
Ferdinand T. Cat at Conservative Cat relates the story of his human pet Bruce's close call with the Interloper
Creeping in under the wire, Brainwise at Prophet or Madman gives us an insight to the TV viewing habits of Otis, and Milo is being a little aloof
One more late entry, due to a power outage, Sissy at Sisu shows Babe going for some not-live prey, and reports cats are invading the Holy See
And finally, my own submission for the Carnival, the uneasy truce continues between Noah and Maleficent

I hope you enjoyed this weeks Carnival as much as I have hosting it. Being able to check out everyone's posts ahead of time. The kitties, well have been kitties, and want to know when they can have my lap back.
As a note, with anyone who is using Flickr to host their photos, the pics may be temporairly unavailable since Flickr has been having some fits lately.
Next week's Carnival will be hosted by Running Scared. And as always, don't forget the Friday Ark at Modulator.
You are completely insane.
Mr. Obvious - I believe I state that fact in the header of this blog. Thank you for re-stating the obvious for those readers who aren't able to grasp the more subtle meanings of my writings.
Have a nice day.
Mira, Sorry for the redundancy. It's just that I can't help being a knee jerk liberal.
Sigh, I've also been having a really week, so I've been kinda touchy.
This is a great posst
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